

A game Mechanics based reward program application.
That aims to discover the correct way to recycle in your community.

My Role: Entire product design from research to prototype conception.

Project Time: 3 months

General assembly UX design course project.

Key Features

Zip code search tool: Allow users to enter by zip code area and discover the rules in their town.

Zip code search tool: Allow users to enter by zip code area and discover the rules in their town.

Engage Game: Help the users to understand how it’s the right way to recycle in the town they live in.

Engage Game: Help the users to understand how it’s the right way to recycle in the town they live in.

Recycle library: The user can discover a better way to recycle and dispose of in their town. Also, learn how to reduce the waste they produce. The user could share the information on their social media and press a like button.

Recycle library: The user can discover a better way to recycle and dispose of in their town. Also, learn how to reduce the waste they produce. The user could share the information on their social media and press a like button.

News: The application provides the opportunity to update the latest news on the environment, from local to national and international. The user could share the information on their social media and press a like button.

News: The application provides the opportunity to update on the latest news on the environment, from local to national and international. The user could share the information on their social media and press a like button.

PhotoShare: Users can share their experiences on social media and inspire new people to try to be greener.

PhotoShare: Users can share their experiences on social media and inspire new people to try to be greener.

Share and Rewards: Users must register in the application to belong to the greener community and thus received rewards.

Share and Rewards: Users must register in the application to belong to the greener community and thus received rewards.



Problem statement

We need a way to understand that the reduction and proper management of organic and non-organic waste in our community can help change the future of our planet. Because people don't know how to handle waste, and industries produce tons of non-recyclable plastic products every day. Plastic needs 2,500 years (approx.) to disappears from the planet; this is creating a significant problem in the environment and for future generations.



We believe by working in small communities and increasing the knowledge of the plastic/styrofoam problem for teaching and helping the residents and working hand in hand with the green team board to see and handle the problem in the community; we could find a solution. We will achieve a significant change in the borough and make an impact worldwide. We will know this be true when we’ll see the results in each small community that wants to work to reduce plastic in their city. If this success, we will make large companies have to rethink their product distribution.

User Research



The overall goal of the project is to help reduce the amount of plastic working from small communities. I will do this by:

  • Raise awareness of the many false myths about polymer disposal.

  • Communicate with residents about local mechanisms and policies.

  • It is providing a platform that enables the discussion and information exchange amongst members. 

  • Promote the exchange of knowledge and behaviors through the mechanics of the game.

I asked questions through one-on-one interviews with five people in the community with different roles and backgrounds that helped tackle the research.

They were: Two councils who have worked with the green and the waste management team, a member of the education district, a doctor in environmental psychology, and two community residents who are always concerned about the environment.


Features & Goals

Educate GameRecycle libraryNewsPhoto shareShare and rewards Create community Provide utility Create awareness Keep user coming back

User Research Finding


The interview was for 5 people who live in the borough of Rutherford.

Maria: She’s a counselor in the borough of Rutherford and is in charge of the green team.

Eddy: He’s a counselor in the borough of Rutherford and is responsible for recycling.

Valky: She’s a Doctorate in environmental psychologist and professor of Rutgers university. She lives in Rutherford NJ.

Sergio: He is a member of Rutherford's borough education and an administrator of a private school in NJ.

Mafe: She works in health management in a bank corporation and lives in Rutherford NJ. 

Cristina: Is a mother of two kids and Spanish teacher and lives in Rutherford NJ.

Distill your Findings

What are people trying to do? What are their goals?

  • Learn the best way to recycle.

  • Spread the information with the community.

  • Reduce and ban plastic bags.

  • Initiatives to reduce plastic in the borough.

  • Find an attractive way to involve people and restaurants to reduce the use of plastic.

What do you think is motivating them?

They are motivated by a problem that is climate change and waste management in the community. They are trying to find an effective way of reduction and elimination of plastic in the town.

Competitive Analysis


Plastic pollution coalition

They teach of how there are plastic everywhere, not only in the things we already know are plastic, but also in products we used everyday every-time and we never imagined are contaminated.

My little plastic footprint

With footprint Find dozens of challenging pledges you can take to reduce your plastic footprint.
Also you can discover and  Play while learning about the problem and how you contribute to it. They want to give and inspiration to  Discover the story of our heroes, join worldwide events and support all kinds of initiatives.

Plastic Change

They are working for for free plastic in the ocean and also shows people there are plastic everywhere, and how we are be part of the problem. They trying to teach people and get them to take and action. For that, they do politics campaigns and trying to get global alliances solutions.

Greenup Glen Rock

This is a small community in NJ that wants to work in different environmental projects and one of the most important are the plastic reduction in town and to find  the best way to recycle the majority of products people take away.


A difference of the others Companies that works against plastic, WWF works in different point to create a world where people and wildlife can thrive together. One of the big problem they achieved  is the plastic pollution.


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Revised Problem Statement

The government in the communities need a way to find the best solution to communicate the correct way to recycle to the residents, and the people in the communities need a way to to understand the correct way to recycle and find new alternatives in pro of the environment.

Revised Hypothesis

We believe the by starting working in small communities and increasing the knowledge of recycle and learn in reduce the use of plastic in each communities, We will achieve a big change.

We will know this to be true when we’ll see the results in each small community who wants to work to reduce plastic and to get better waste management in their city. If this success, we will make large companies have to rethink their product distribution.

User Storyboard


Feature Prioritization

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User Flow


Cards Results

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Site Map

Artboard 1@4x.png

Key Screens


Usability Testing


Low-fi Prototype


User Testing


First tester:

  • The testers weren’t sure how to play the game.
    For the second prototype I’ll have to add a better explanation of the game.

  • The testers has a lack to understand the icons.
    For the second prototype I’ll add a name under the icons, for a better understanding

  • The tester press the photo button before to enter to the learning area.
    The photo picture in the center altered the navigation. Needs to fix that.

  • The tester don’t have a big interest in the tips button.
    This link can be combined with the links and news

  • The tester needs to navigate all the prototype twice to understand the process.
    For the next prototype i need to be more clear.


Second tester:

  • The tester understand the game.

  • The tester see the icon links and navigated well on them, but doesn’t understand the link button function.
    I think if I combined the link and tips in one button could help to have a better navigation.

  • The tester feels that the recycle button don’t give it all the information he need and he want to find the material product faster and don’t roll down to find it.
    I think by searching, I’ll give to the user an easy way to find the exact product by name, type of product or material.

  • The tester understand the photo function.

  • The tester like the rewards

  •       :)


Third tester:

  • The Tester needs to go twice to understand the function of the camera.
    I will be more friendly with the navigation.

  • The tester passover the icons and don’t press them.
    I’ll going to work to put them bigger and more attractive.

  • The tester, likes the prototype , but without images and real information doesn't find anything to do.
    I’m going to add some images and create a navigation path to be understanding.

Final Prototype

Artboard 1@2x.png

Prototype Function


What’s Next

The engagement is very important to maintain people in the application, 

based on more usability testing we will see if it’s important to have for fase two:

Work with the Community



Search by Photo

And much more…


